Alignment - Integration to Side Angles

These Alignment videos work through the detailed alignment of each pose. When studying this section I would recommend practicing this on your yoga mat at the same time, and jotting down any notes / questions in your Handbook which you can bring to the next live call so we can address it together. All individual pose alignment details are at the back of your handbook. We have broken these videos into 3 sections.

Integration, Sun Salutations, Side Angles (Handbook pages 79-94)

Twists, Balances, Triangles (video placed in 'History of Yoga' section & Handbook pages 95-108)

Backbends, Hip Openers, Core, Forward Folds, Heart Openers, Inversions, Rest (video placed in 'Yoga Science' section & Handbook pages 109-131)

You can study them spread out across the separate theory sections, or watch them back to back if you prefer - this learning is self paced, so you can choose how you cover the content.

TT Handbook 2020 8.1.22 - Integrations to side angles.pdf
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